Nathalie Masset Sculpture
À propos/About
Nathalie Masset aime le métal.
Ses aspects, son toucher, son odeur, son bruit quand on le travaille.
Suivant un parcours personnel et atypique, elle s’est formée aux Ateliers de Serrurerie Renard, à St Germain-en-Laye (France) pendant deux ans, puis a effectué une formation supplémentaire à l’Ifage en soudage en 2014- 2015 à Genève.
Son univers sculptural puise notamment dans le passé, la préhistoire, la mythologie, les arts primitifs et les arts populaires, afin d’en proposer une interprétation contemporaine, épurée parfois jusqu’à l’abstraction.
Nathalie Masset est née en 1959 en France.
Elle parle Français, Anglais, Espagnol et Russe.
Nathalie Masset likes metal.
Its different aspects, the way it feels, its odour, the sounds it makes when I work on it. I like the difficulties and the patience it requires. I can cut it, fold it, grind it, file it, weld it, rivet it, pierce it, paint it or varnish it.
Each of my sculptures is thought differently. I can start from a drawing, or from a paper / cardboard model, or by directly assembling different metal parts. I like working by series and having different projects at the same time. I mainly make sculptures in sheetmetal or metal, but I can also use different materials and work in a variety of sizes ( from 400 grams to … 740 kgs ).
My sculptural universe draws in particular in the past : prehistory, mythology, primitive arts, popular arts, in order to offer a contemporary interpretation , sometimes simplified to the point of abstraction.
My work is mainly figurative, but for the last five years I have started a serie of abstract pieces ( « tableaux -sculptures » and « sculptures -tableaux « ).
Nathalie Masset was born in 1959 in Paris (France)
She speaks French, English, Spanish and Russian
Her technical training on metal work since 2002 at the « Ateliers Renard », Locksmiths in St Germain- en-Laye, France